Crisis Intervention Services

Learn about our services for crisis intervention: supplying prompt assistance and direction when things go tough. Kid Welcare is available to support you during times of need, providing compassionate and knowledgeable guidance.

Our cutting-edge Crisis Intervention Service offers short-term and rapid solutions to local authorities who are having trouble finding homes for the most difficult and vulnerable youth. Our time-limited service offers a much-needed vacation or diversion from what is currently offered. We can assist with anything from a time out from their current placement to an emergency crisis intervention or just some breathing room while the next course of action is decided.

24-hour assistance

At least twenty-four hours a day of specialized and committed one-on-one support is provided to every young person placed through the program. Our knowledgeable Referral Team is always on hand to offer an almost instantaneous determination regarding our ability to find someone for you. The service provides some much-needed extra time to help with planning the subsequent, longer-term placement. We support the most difficult-to-place youth by maintaining frequent—often daily—communication with the social worker who is placing them, particularly in the early stages of the placement.


Embrace Possibilities, Embrace Change

Seamless changes in tone

Our Crisis Intervention Service provides placements for a limited time. Upon completion of each placement, we will collaborate closely with you to provide a seamless transfer, be it back to your accommodation, a different provider, one of our own houses, or a supported living setting.

Interventions Therapeutic

When necessary, our Specialised Therapeutic Service can offer interventions for customized placements within Kid Care Services, contingent upon availability, care planning, and price arrangement.

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